Extracting Companies House data and storing it in BigQuery

This tutorial uses Optimus Mine to download the Companies House data product and store it in Google BigQuery. Companies House is the UK business register which holds the details on over 4.5 million companies.

The goal of this tutorial is to introduce you to the database export features in Optimus Mine.

Before you begin

If you do not have Optimus Mine installed already, follow the installation guide to download & install Optimus Mine on your machine.

You will require a Google Cloud account to use BigQuery. If you do not have one visit https://cloud.google.com/ to get a account with $300 credit for free.

Step one: Create a BigQuery dataset

  1. Visit https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery. If you have not used BigQuery before you will need to enable it first and the visit the URL again.
  2. Click onto your project on the left hand side menu. BigQuery home
  3. Click the CREATE DATASET button on the right hand side. BigQuery resource
  4. Enter a name for your dataset under Dataset ID and optionally choose a data location, then hit the Create dataset button at the bottom.

Step two: Create a service account

  1. Visit https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts.
  2. Click the CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT button at the top of the page. service accounts home
  3. Enter a service account name and hit the CREATE button. It’s a good idea to enter something that will help you identify what this service account is being used for later down the line.
  4. Click on the Select a role dropdown and select the BigQuery > BigQuery Admin role, then click on CONTINUE.
  5. You don’t need to do anything on the next screen so simply click the DONE button.
  6. Click on your newly created service account. select service account
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ADD KEY > Create new key.
  8. Click on CREATE on the popup window and save the key on your computer. You’ll need this in a moment so make sure you take note of where you’re saving it.

Step three: Create a new project

  1. Launch the Optimus Mine application.
  2. On the top right hand side, click New Project. new project
  3. Enter a name for your new project in the Title field. project name

Step four: Configure your pipeline

Next you create the pipeline configuration. The following YAML document is used to create the pipeline you will use to scrape the RSS feed and create the JSON file. Copy & paste it into the editor below the title field, replacing MY_DATASET with the one you chose in step one and MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY with the name of the service account file you downloaded in step 2, then hit Save.

  threads: 1
  timeout: 5m
  verbose: true

  - name: zip_url
    task: scrape
    engine: xpath
    input: https://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/en_output.html
      type: string
      source: //ul[1]/li/a/@href
        - type: prepend
          string: https://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/

  - name: company_data
    task: scrape
    engine: csv
      type: object
          source: CompanyName
          type: string
          source: CompanyNumber
          type: string
          source: RegAddress.AddressLine1
          type: string
          source: RegAddress.AddressLine2
          type: string
          source: RegAddress.PostTown
          type: string
          source: RegAddress.County
          type: string
          source: RegAddress.Country
          type: string
          source: RegAddress.PostCode
          type: string
          source: CompanyCategory
          type: string
          source: CompanyStatus
          type: string
          source: SICCode.SicText_1
          type: string
          source: SICCode.SicText_2
          type: string
          source: SICCode.SicText_3
          type: string
          source: SICCode.SicText_4
          type: string

  - name: db_export
    task: export
    engine: bigquery
    project: myproject
    dataset: MY_DATASET
    table: companieshouse
    credentials: '{{ userDir }}/Desktop/MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.json'
    replace: true

Configuration details

Let’s walk through each of the properties in your configuration to understand what they do.


In this scraper we have three tasks, 2 scrapes and an export. Defaults apply to all tasks in your project.

threads: 1

The threads determines how many HTTP requests you would like to make concurrently. Here we’re just downloading a single ZIP file and then parsing one large CSV so one thread will suffice.

timeout: 5m If a HTTP request has not completed within 5 minutes the scraper will consider it failed.

verbose: true

Enables detailed logging which can help you identify problems if your scraper is not working as intended. You would usually set this to false once your scraper is working.


Contains the array of all your pipeline tasks.

The zip_url task

name: zip_url

This sets the name of the task to “zip_url”. The name will be displayed in the log messages relating to this task.

task: scrape

This tells Optimus Mine that this task as a scraper, meaning that input values will be treated as URLs and requested via HTTP.

engine: xpath

Tells the scraper to parse the data as HTML using XPath to extract values. We use xpath to begin with because we are scraping the download links from a HTML webpage.

input: https://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/en_output.html

The input passes data to your task. In this example it tells the scraper to scrape the URL https://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/en_output.html.


The schema contains the information on how to parse & structure the scraped data.

type: string

This tells the parser to treat the scraped data as a string of text.


Filters are used to manipulate data in your pipeline. Here we’ve set type: prepend to add the string https://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/ to the beginning of our scraped value. This is because the URL on the page is relative and we need to make it an absolute URL for the next task to scrape it.

The company_data task

name: company_data

This sets the name of the task to “company_data”. The name will be displayed in the log messages relating to this task.

task: scrape

This tells Optimus Mine that this task as a scraper, meaning that input values will be treated as URLs and requested via HTTP.

engine: csv

Tells the scraper to parse the data as CSV, using the column names from the very first row in source to extract the data.


The schema contains the information on how to parse & structure the scraped data.

type: object

Setting type to object tells the parser that each item is a key-value map. Usually you’d set the type to array for any page or file that you want to extract multiple items from, however for CSVs this is optional as it will get each row anyway.


Contains the schema for each key-value pair in the object. The keys nested directly under properties (i.e. name, company_number etc.) define the keys in the outputted data.

source: CompanyName, source: CompanyNumber etc.

Since engine is set to csv, the source parameter contains the name of the column (as defined in the header row) that you’d like to extract.

type: string

This tells the parser to treat the scraped data as a string of text.

The export task

name: db_export

This sets the name of the task to “db_export”. The name will be displayed in the log messages relating to this task.

task: export

This tells Optimus Mine that this task as an export, meaning that incoming values from previous tasks will be exported.

engine: bigquery

The bigquery engine is used for storing the exported data in Google BigQuery.

project: myproject

The name of the Google Cloud project. Replace this with the name of the project you created earlier.

dataset: MY_DATASET

The name of the BigQuery dataset. Make sure you replace this with the name of the dataset you created in step one.

table: companieshouse

The name of the BigQuery table that will be created. Feel free to change this if you like.

credentials: '{{ userDir }}/Desktop/MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.json'

The path to a local service account file. Replace this with the name of the service account file you downloaded in step two.

Note: {{ userDir }} always points to the current user directory e.g. C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME on windows, /Users/YOUR_USERNAME on Mac and /home/YOUR_USERNAME on Linux.

replace: true

Delete existing data in target table. This ensures that if you run it multiple times you won’t end up with duplicate data in your table.

Step five: Run the pipeline

You’re all set. Simply click on Start Job to run the pipeline. img

Once completed you should see the company data in Google BigQuery.

Whats next

  • To learn more about the schema used for parsing data, see the Parsing Data page.
  • To learn more about the filters used for manipulating data, see the Filters page.
  • To dive into detail about all the other configuration properties, see the Configuration Reference.